Pictures of Some of the Awards
Doctor Honoris Causa, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1979 |
#2 Doctor Honoris Causa, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1979 |
Doctor Honoris Causa, Central University of Barcelona, 1988 |
Posthumous Award, University of Santiago de Compostela, 1991 |
The Cross of Isabel la Católica, 1982 |
The Great Cross of Alfonso el Sabio, 1984 |
The Cross of Sant Jordi, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1984 |
Menéndez y Pelayo International University, Santander, Spain |
North American Academy of the Spanish Language, 1982 |
Photographic Society of America medal for Lux Perpetua, 1985 |
Naval Military School, Argentina, 1985 |
School of National Defense, Argentina, 1986 |
La Nación Argentina, 1988 |