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Table of Contents

ONE—Unamuno and His Generation 1

1 The Generation of 1898
2 The apprenticeship years
3 The critical years
4 University and politics
5 The exile
6 The return of the Exile
7 The last years

TWO—The Man of Flesh and BloodThe Idea of the World The Idea of God 25

8 Homo sum
9 Ideas and ideals
10 Reason and faith
11 A world of tensions
12 Man as a dreamer
13 God and the world

THREE—ImmortalityThe Tragedy of ChristianityThe Idea of History 45

14 The hunger for immortality
15 The forms of immortality
16 Immortality as a struggle
17 The eternal present
18 The "agony" of Christianity
19 The "agony" of history

FOUR—SpainQuixotism 67

20 Europeanizers and Hispanizers
21 Spain as a conflict
22 The Quixotic soul

FIVE—The Idea of the Word 85

23 The power of words
24 Words and facts
25 Words and literature
26 Words and life

SIX—The Idea of Fiction 98

27 The "personal" novel
28 Types of the novel
29 The world as a divine novel

SEVEN—The Idea of Reality 112

30 The meanings of 'is real'
31 What reality is not
32 What reality is like



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